• Best poster presentation prize for Undifferentiated high grade pleomorphic sarcoma of chest wall- a rare entity in MIDTERM TERM NATCON CONFERENCE 2015, held at Bhopal.
  • Best poster presentation prize for High grade neuroendocrine carcinoma of Gall bladder- a rare entity in NATCON CONFERENCE 2014, held at Chennai.
  • First prize for poster presentation in 32nd Annual Conference of Maharashtra State Chapter of the Associations of Surgeons of India, February 2010for CENTRAL MANDIBULAR AMELOBLASTOMA.
  • First runners up in GLOVES OFF inter institutional STATE LEVEL Surgical oncology Quiz held at M N Budhrani Cancer institute, Pune, Feb 2010.
  • First prize in Maharashtra state chapter surgical quiz held at Aurangbad in October 2010 and 2011.
  • First prize in All India surgical quiz held in 70th annual conference of the association of surgeons of India(ASICON 2010) held at New Delhi, December2010.
  • Best outgoing resident of Grant medical college and Sir J J hospital for the year 2010.
  • Certificate of appreciation for actively involved in Mumbai terror attack, Nov 26, 2008.
  • Completed basic surgical technique course, conducted by Ethicon institute of surgical education.
  • Several publications in national and international journals.
  • Member of the Royal College of Surgeons of USA
  • Member of the General Dental Council (USA)