Clinical studies:
• Study of lower limb varicose veins- postgraduate thesis (M.S)

• Study of Biomolecular characteristics of carcinoma gall bladder and its clinicopathological
correlation- M. Ch thesis.

Senior research fellow

• Randomized controlled trial of neo-adjuvant Progesterone and Vitamin D3 in women with Large Operable and Locally Advanced Breast Cancer.

• Randomized controlled trial of Neo-adjuvant Platinum-Taxane chemotherapy versus Taxane chemotherapy and Metformin versus placebo in women with Triple negative Large Operable and Locally Advanced Breast Cancer.

• Protocol Title: A randomized, multiple-dose, multicentre, comparative parallel study to evaluate the Efficacy, Safety and Pharmacokinetic characteristics of Intravenous Infusion of Rituximab (Hetero) And Reference Medicinal Product (Rituximab, Roche) in Indian patients of Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma (HERILY Study).

• A Prospective, Comparative, Open Label, Randomized, Multicentric, Phase III study to compare the safety and efficacy of Bevacizumab of Intas Pharmaceuticals Limited against Avastin™ in Patients with Unresectable or Metastatic Non-Squamous Non-SmallCellLungCancer.

• Study No: 1200.161 – A randomised, open-label, phase III study to evaluate the efficacy and safety of oral Afatinib (BIBW 2992) versus intravenous methotrexate in patients with recurrent and/or metastatic head and neck squamous cell carcinoma who have progressed after platinum-based therapy.

• Study Title: A Phase III Randomised, Double-Blind, Parallel Group, Multicentre Study to Compare the Efficacy, Safety, Pharmacokinetics and Immunogenicity between SB3 (proposed Trastuzumab biosimilar) and Herceptin® in Women with Newly Diagnosed HER2 Positive Early or Locally Advanced Breast Cancer in Neoadjuvant Setting.